четвъртък, декември 07, 2006

абе там...

Ами.. това е нещо много старо, в което намерих разни интересни моменти.. ако НАИСТИНА си нямате друга работа - НА, ЧЕТЕТЕ (между другото -забележете, че това е и единственото нещо на английски тук!!! то затова е такъв боклук сигурно...)

Hate! The human organism is adapted in a very strange way. Have you thought that we hate or have hated every single thing around us? Here is why it happens so: First of all, human beings tend to hate everything they find strange or unknown. Bearing in mind that we humans know only ourselves if we have even that knowledge and, therefore, find everything, which is different from ourselves, peculiar and hated. The first example that comes to at least my mind to oppose the just-proposed statement is the love that the child feels for its mother. Here is the answer to that. It’s supposed or it’s logical and true for at least some human creatures that they start feeling less hatred or feelings different from hatred if they find some usefulness in the object of their hating. To begin with life: A child hates to be born. Every child should cry the first second of their life outside of their mother’s womb (otherwise it may die). And what can be this cry sign for but the hatred that the child, the innocent nothing-knowing child, experiences towards the air it is supposed to admit to its lungs? Do you think the child feels something else but hatred towards everything new it discovers? But here comes the USEFULNESS. Mom is useful. She will keep the child warm. She will feed the little one. Therefore, mom is not hated. She should be discovered and got to know better, just because she is USEFUL. Do you realize how the whole world is explained in this way? Here comes the “why do we love our parents till the end of our lives?” The answer is simple. A child learns a lot in its early months. It comprehends as much as it will never comprehend in its whole life from now on. Therefore a child feels (may not think though) that his parents have been most useful for it in its whole life. This leads to the conclusion that they may become useful again. This explains why there are so big fights about testaments of some rich parent that the parent himself is almost forgotten in the way. It is because the parent as such is useful no more, but his death may be useful. Therefore the parent is not loved any more.
